

Nicolas Lambelet

  • Master of laws, Lausanne and Bern University
    Swiss Certified Tax Expert.
  • Member of EXPERTsuisse, the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants.
    Member of the OREF, Ordre Romand des Experts Fiscaux (West Switzerland Tax Expert Order)
  • Formerly tax specialist at the Cantonal Tax Administration, Lausanne and at Fidinam (Genève) SA, Geneva

Florian Kirchhof

  • Diploma in business economics, Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion of Vaud Canton.
    Swiss Certified Public Accountant.
  • Member of EXPERTsuisse, the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants.
  • Formerly Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Lausanne.

Mathias Dujourdil

  • Master in Accounting, Control and Finance (MScCCF), HEC Lausanne,
    Swiss Certified Public Accountant.
  • Member of EXPERTsuisse, the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Tax Consultants.
  • Formerly expert auditor, KPMG and Deloitte, Geneva.

Lucie Meyer

  • Federal certificate of Real Estate manager.
  • Formerly Real Estate Manager, Real Estate agency R. BURGER SA, Geneva.