

Accounting, audit services

  • Organise and keep the accounts.
  • Prepare the financial statements and analysing the balance sheet and the results.
  • Preparation of VAT statements.
  • Audit the annual accounts of companies as licensed audit expert.
  • Annual accounts audit of foundations and associations.
  • Special audit during company acquisitions, mergers and restructuring.
  • Business consultancy and management assistance.
  • Company assessments

Human Ressources Services

  • Management and monthly salary processing.
  • Preparation of employment contracts.
  • Administrative assistance for affiliation and announcement procedures to the various social insurances.
  • Preparation of salary certificates and tax certificates at source.
  • Establishment of annual declarations.

Tax services

  • Preparation of tax returns for individuals and companies.
  • Control of tax assessments and preparation of claims.
  • Tax advice on closing of accounts.
  • Negotiation of lump sum taxations.
  • Studies and advice in international taxation.
  • Tax planning for individuals and companies.
  • Advice regarding pension fund.

Legal services

  • Advice and assistance during companies setting-up, transformation or liquidation.
  • Follow-up of legal cases.

Real estate services

  • Property management.
  • Co-property management.
  • Supervision of construction consortiums.
  • Interface between the real estate accounting and the financial accounting.